
s0hMood > *bored*

Wah. I cannot believe Federer lost Wimbledon =( WHYYYYYY!!!!!! Sighs. Not like I watched the match. I only found out today from newspaper. But whyyyy! I didn’t watch cause I knew (well I thought I knew) he’s going to win anyway. Manatau jialat already. Sien la. I’m not even into tennis, I just don’t want Nadal to win lololol. Dunno la, he has this super unlikeable personality – I just DON’T like him. Zzzzzzz. Noooooo. Although it’s like a miracle – cause reallyyyyyyyyy I think no one expected it ba. Hopefully Fed will win it next year – please don’t lose again leh.

Ah sien. I finally cleaned my room today lolol. It’s very live-able now hehehe. I just wonder why I bothered cos it’s not going to take very long before it becomes messy again. And I did nothing (academically) today. Was supposed to look at pros cd neh. But didn’t. Sigh. And found out they changed DLP groups. And I’m under the course coordinator AGAIN. Is it just me or what? Dunno whether it’s lucky or unlucky. I hope he’s nice. Sighs. And there’s a lot of groups going on at the moment – I’m so confuseddd. I think I’m such a disorganised person – like in my brain, everything is messed up in one big lump – just like KL =p Now I know where I get it from haha.

So random nia my blog. Everyday talk bout useless crap. But there really isn’t anything to blog about. My life is very mundane. Everyday watch It started with a kiss 2. Watching Xiang Qin becoming a nurse – I somehow felt like I wanna be one too! So cool leh. I think I have renewed respect for nurses liao. No, not because of her la. She’s seriously so stupid in the series I cannot comprehend. But I think if I’m a nurse right, I’ll be more like Zhi Yi. Nola, not because she’s the cute one. It’s simply because I think I’ll get excited drawing blood too ROFL. Sei lor – I’m a bit siao haha. Cause I think I’ll be interested watching surgeries too hahahhaa. Anyway. Let’s not talk bout it – I think I’m going to make myself come off as a crazy psycho.

And in the series, seeing Chun Mei pregnant reminds me of my very own friend. Ah Stef!!! I think you will be like her too – happy and preparing to enter the next stage of your life. Awwww~ I too feel like I will be looking at Stef in a different light – you are such a mature woman liao neh! Motherhood does a lot yea. Makes you become all caring and stuff. I can’t wait to see you neh ^^. I’m so excited. Just because the baby’s going to be my kai zai la. Lolol. Ya, found out it’s a boy~ It’s going to be my first time being kai ma leh. Albeit have to share with five other sohpoh(s), and I am certainly not going to be the most motherlike one – Kuan sure tops it all laaa. So I’ll be the, nola, leave disciplinary to Pik yea. Comedic one to Shan. Active one to BK. And chio one to Han (not Korean Han, but TAG Han lolol). Sei lor. I be what? The boring one? Zzzz. I knowwwww! I’ll be the one who will always stuff the kid up with food rofl. Stef, better watch out oooooh~ See la, I’m sien until I have to imagine stuff. Zzz. I think I’ll just go watch more drama. End with a picture I got from Han..

1, 2, 3 – Everybody go Awwwwwwww…..

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