Archive for October 25, 2006

Last week of the year

s0hMood > *work hard*

Wahahaa, yes, despite all the assignments which are going to be due on Friday (and did s0hp0h mentioned she hasn’t finish them), s0hp0h’s in good spirits. Cos it’s the last last lastttt academic week everrrr for this year. Muahaha. Though exams are coming. But nvmla. Hopefully the one week SWOTVAC will be adequate to cover DCP (whole year lectures), DHS (sem 2) and Bio (sem 2). Not too bad right? Compare to SPM, cover nine subjects, at least now s0hp0h only have three. Did s0hp0h also mentioned that time she use the supposingly one month for all 9 subjects for just Bio instead. Only Form 4 topics summore. Then drag drag till the last day, the day before the Bio exam itself, s0hp0h slept only 2 hours of so, trying to finish off the Form 4 topics and then skimmed through Form 5 topics. At that moment, s0hp0h’s head already felt sooo heavy s0hp0h think she’ll faint. But still continue. SPM wo, at that point, that was like s0hp0h’s life literally. How stupid was s0hp0h. Deprive self of sleep because of useless SPM. Won’t ever do that, but it’s not like s0hp0h has another SPM right. Oh well, take it as a lesson. But despite all those sleepless nights before exam days, s0hp0h’s still like that, never seemed to learn. Always leave till the veryyyyy last minute then cram cram cram the whole subject in. No wonder s0hp0h forgets everything after exams, more powerful than brainwashing. This time around, fingers and toes crossed that s0hp0h’s going to study hard (like REALL hard) for once because the exams are really important. More important than any other exams s0hp0h’s done so far. Must pass. MUST PASS!!!!! So, here s0hp0h’s telling you that, s0hp0h’s going to study like at least 6 hours a day during SWOTVAC. Except weekends maybe. Oh, and except those days when something else happens and gets in the way. And also except those lazy days when s0hp0h wake up 12 o’clock. Last but not least, except those days when s0hp0h’s sick. Other than that, you are very welcome to condemn s0hp0h and curse s0hp0h, hope she fails ask her buy you an ice-cream. s0hp0h’s very stingy so hmm, s0hp0h will make sure none of you get free ice-cream from s0hp0h. To everyone else facing exams, must ganbate ne and if not, you will need to be very welcome to ‘chia’ s0hp0h ice-cream also. Deal! Good luck everyone!!!~

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